Leading experts in handling Planning Applications

Ireland Planning


Contact Us

Dublin Head Office

Ireland Planning
Ormond Building, 
31-36 Ormond Quay Upper, 
Dublin 7


Telephone: 01 254 9709

Email: info@irelandplanning.ie


IrelandPlanning.ie are leading experts in handling Planning Applications. We provide a full planning permission service. We can fully assess your site/dwellings planning permission requirements/potential and ensure that no development opportunity is missed on your site. We can also assist people who have had problems with their original Planning Application to re-assess their original plans and put forward sensible revisions.
We are an Ireland based Planning Consultancy. Our aim is to ensure a comprehensive planning and development service for all of our clients throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Planning and development is by no means a straightforward process. Today more detailed justification for development is required and more information needs to be supplied at the outset of the application process.The ability to negotiate through an increasingly complex process has never been more important. There is a growing awareness amongst clients that only by the production of significant detail to accompany an application can a decision on the application be made within a reasonable time and with an increased likelihood of success.The process of planning and development has become much more technical with reasoned justification required at all stages.
If you would like to speak to someone about how we can help you realise the potential of your property/land or just require some professional planning advice contact us now, by using the Form in our Contact Us section.

Contact Us

Telephone: 01 254 9709
Email: info@irelandplanning.ie



Services we provide


Key Services

  • Planning Drawings & Computerised Imagery
  • Change of Use Planning Applications
  • Preparation of Planning Applications
  • Wind Farm Planning Applications
  • Planning Appeal Applications
  • Site Concept Statements & Planning Reports
  • Submission of Planning Applications
  • Development Plan Representations
  • Planning Applications for Planning Enforcement
  • Retail Impact Assessments
  • Environmental Impact Statements
  • Travel Plans & Car Parking Surveys
  • Public Sector Consultancy
  • Mineral & Waste Planning Applications
  • Public Inquiry Representation



Planning Applications

IrelandPlanning.ie are leading experts in handling Planning Applications. We provide a full planning permission service. We can fully assess your site/dwellings planning permission requirements/potential and ensure that no development opportunity is missed on your site. We can also assist people who have had problems with their original Planning Application to re-assess their original plans and put forward sensible revisions.
We are an Ireland based Planning Consultancy. Our aim is to ensure a comprehensive planning and development service for all of our clients throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland.



Architecture Services

We employ a team of Architects, if you have a development/site that may need planning permission and planning drawings constructed. We will arrange a site meeting with one of our Architects to discuss all the potential development opportunities of your site/dwelling. They will liaise with you to help you design and construct your new dwelling/extension and construct plan drawings and a computerised walkthrough of your proposed development.


Planning Appeals

What to do if your Planning Permission is refused?
Your application has been refused... Did you expect this..? Did your previous planning agent agent give you a realistic expectation of the likelihood for success?
A refusal does not mean you can't take things forward...
There are options you can initiate after a planning permission refusal...We can organise on your behalf a submission of a Planning Appeal Application to the



Planning Drawings

IrelandPlanning.ie, are a dedicated Planning Consultancy Team, if you have a development/site that may need planning permission. We will arrange a site meeting with a Planning Consultant and an architect to discuss all the potential development opportunities of your site/dwelling. Following a site meeting we can construct Full Planning Drawings for your site/property and organise the preparation of a Planning Application on your behalf.
